
{CLOSED} 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY | The Collective & Harris Stock

Harris Stocks

We have another double whammy today. Both wonderful products from two innovative Kiwi companies bringing top quality food to our nation!


Any self respecting Kiwi who appreciates delicious dairy should already be familiar with this incredible brand of goodness – The Collective. I love everything they’ve ever created and I enjoy their products regularly. Their flavoured yoghurts make the perfect treat, the Straight Up is my go to for smoothies, accompanying fresh fruit, in savoury cooking and straight up by the spoonful out of the tub and the new Brekkie Spouches are perfect to grab for an on the go breakfast.

The Collective’s drive is aimed at flavour, quality, reliability and finesse, the results are aimed at you. Their passion, The Collective, is all about “cutting through the cow pats to provide you with the greatest dairy imaginable… our promise to you… no bull!”

The Collective have offered one lucky winner the most incredible collection of goodies. 

The Collective DairyA wonderful Jute bag filled with: 

1 x Tummy Love 500g

1 x Tummy Love 4 pack

1 x Kefir pourable

1 x Straight Up 900g

1 x Haloumi

1 x gourmet 500g

7 x Brekkie Spouches (a weeks’ worth to help peeps super charge through the silly season)

Whether you’ve been naughty or nice this year, tis’ the season to be jolly *wink* we’re feel’n festive and have a Collective prize pack for one lucky peep *grin*’  

Harris StockHarris Stock is New Zealand’s premium stock and each variety adds perfectly well balanced flavour to your cooking. Harris Stocks are gluten and dairy free and do not contain any preservatives. Because they insist on only using organic, some vegetables may vary according to season. Harris Stocks are freshly made from free range produce and organic vegetables. 

Two lucky winnerswill receive FIVE pouches of the complete range (including the Beef stock – not pictured). 

Harris Stocks

Remember you can head over the The Bubbalino Kitchen to double your chances of winning. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Dec 6, 2014 12:20 pm

    Yum, I love everything I've tried from The Collective (especially the haloumi!) and the Harris Stocks look amazing!