
Things I love …..BACON


I love bacon.  But, nitrates are bad news.  Nitrates are even badder than bad news when you fry the shit out of them whilst you are cooking your bacon.  On the hunt for an alternative, I spied Henderson’s Dry Cured Bacon in Pak ‘n Save Albany last week (it was  $6.99 for 500 grams – very comparable to standard brands) and popped it in my cart.  Before I even opened the pack there was a visible difference between the Henderson’s bacon and the other brands.  Dry cured bacon looks more like other cuts of pork.  It is pale – way closer to white than pink.  Nitrates preserve colour in meat products.  Blecch.  So how did it taste?  Seriously the BEST tasting bacon I have ever eaten in my life.  If you want more bacon taste from your bacon and need more bacon-ness in your life than give the hippy bacon a whirl.  Foods that can cause cancer suck.



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