
Back to School | The Little Tablet that Could

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Blog School BYOD Windows Tablet

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Blog School BYOD

Welcome to the 5th post in a little series I’m going to refer to as All the Mummas Say Hell Yes! The Best Nest Goes Back to School 2016!  Whoop whoop!  Shopping, lunchboxes, uniforms, shoes, pencil sharpeners, stationery, computers, Chromebooks, devices, BYOD!!!!!

We’ve discussed BYOD before (here & here) where we decided a Chromebook would be perfect for Ethan to transport to-and-from school everyday.  A great option for him at the moment, but, there are many other options out there for those who require a little more computing power or perhaps some specific Microsoft programs that are not available via Chromebooks, iPads or other devices.

Laptops have well and truly carved out some new territory, in fact this wee gem may look like a laptop but don’t be fooled.  It’s actually a modern day Transformer; the screen comes OFF people!!!!

Amaze.  What will they think of next?!

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Blog School BYOD

I joke, I’m not a technical retard but I am slightly out of touch with windows computers (I’m a Mac girl) and I had no idea what number OS they are up to, so it was quite exciting finding my way around this HP tablet from Noel Leeming.

If like me, this year is your first time at the BYOD rodeo then the initial step is having a very clear idea of what the school requires as well as what is going to work best for your child.

This checklist is the perfect place to start.  Compiled by the passionate geeks (I’m joking!) experts at Noel Leeming, you can’t go wrong by taking note of these 6 BYOD tips before you hit the shops;

What to look for in a BYOD device

  1. 10-inch minimum screen
  2. Runs both apps and programmes
  3. USB port
  4. Work both offline and online
  5. Battery life to last a typical school day
  6. Lightweight

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Blog School BYOD

So this sassy, red number from HP totally fits the bill, plus the benefits of a device such as this over an iPad or Android tablet are considerable.  The first that comes to mind is the availability of a USB port, essential to expand the often limited storage that is available on these late-model, lightweight devices.  This also allows you to use peripheral devices such as cameras, printers and a mouse.

The detachable keyboard is another bonus in my opinion.  Many schools may be ok with an iPad as a device but will insist that a bluetooth keyboard is used alongside it.  This is an additional cost on top of an already expensive purchase.

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Blog School BYOD

Using Windows on a touchscreen device was totally weird for me at first, but Windows 10 is quite intuitive.  Ethan was like, no big deal, and for Dave – who works on a Windows laptop – this tablet was very, very exciting!  Swipe swipe! 

Aside from the obvious specialist advice that’s available at Noel Leeming, my fave reasons for making all of our family’s major purchases there are twofold;

  1. Flybuys:  Self-explanatory and totally worthwhile.
  2. Price matching:  Noel Leeming offers their Price Promise which means you never have to choose FlyBuys over a lower price!  Present an advertisement or a quote from a competitor and you’re sorted!  Love that and have used it many times.

 > Shop the HP 10.1″ Pavilion X2 Red Detachable Hybrid Tablet Bundle here < it comes with a mouse and a case for $599.

 > Find out more about BYOD by checking out Noel Leeming’s easy to understand – and super comprehensive – guide right here > Everything You Need to know about BYOD.  They compare all of your different options as well as expanding on all of those little extras such as antivirus, cases, printers,extra storage…………….got any money left?  Me either lol.

Good luck on your BYOD journey parents, we’re all in this together!


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