
Blog Prompts


Well…..since Family Julz is doin’ it I guess I will too…….


Ask a loved one to use 6 descriptive words to describe you and report your findings. How well do they know you?

Thanks  Mama Kat

Weeellll.  Dave found this surprisingly easy (am I that transparent?), I like to think of it as a case of ‘well a spades a spade’;

1.  Beautiful – the man’s smart you see ; )

2.  Smart – I’m trying I swear, the crazy pills help but sometimes there is just not enough room in this little head of mine!

3.  Stubborn – see I told you he was smart, though I think a brain-damaged llama could have told his Nepalese sherpa in sign language that I am one STUBBORN-ASS of a woman.

4.  Bossy – Moi?   (maybe a little)

5.  Precious – I think he means that I act like a big baby most of the time?

6.  Tough – I think he means that the rest of the time I don’t need anyone’s help, yeah that’s right!


So, I think he’s pretty spot on, did he miss anything?  Your comments please;

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  1. Jan 8, 2009 6:59 pm

    See YOUR husband has a got a head on his shoulders!! MY husband has got some learnin' to do!! Very cute.

  2. Jan 9, 2009 1:21 am

    He was absolutely spot on. I would have probably added "talks funny" but he probably does too by now eh? 😉 Thank you for playing Mel, wasn't this fun? I'm going to do another!

  3. Jan 9, 2009 3:16 am

    Visiting from Mama Kat's…Wasn't this fun!? You made out a bit better than I did though. I love the line about brain-damaged llama and the Sherpa — good stuff!Just what a post should be — short and funny! Thanks!

  4. Jan 9, 2009 5:28 am

    How fun! You came out pretty well, I think.

  5. Jan 9, 2009 5:42 am

    Isn't it amazing how some men can just rattle off all the right answers. Must be conditioning or something… Good job. 😉

  6. Jan 9, 2009 7:38 am

    I don't know you, but from what he says it sounds like you are a pretty well rounded individual! Sounds like he really loves you too! Mine didn't turn out as well!

  7. Jan 9, 2009 7:42 am

    Visiting from Mama Kat's…This is great… "precious" made me giggle a little. My boyfriend used "impulsive" for my list. Then he was like, "That's like when you want to do something and you have to do it RIGHT NOW." Just in case I missed his point.

  8. Jan 9, 2009 3:15 pm

    Hi–I know I was here earlier but I just read your comment on my post (re: mommy is into "showers") and I just have to say that made me laugh and laugh. So funny! Kids…you gotta love them!

  9. Jan 10, 2009 3:18 am

    Hey – thanks for stopping by my blog. Your little interview made me laugh. too cute!