
Christmas Day 2009


I wasn’t prepared for just how prepared Ethan was to get amongst Santa’s loot on Christmas Day.  The child didn’t even wait until 6am!  I’m pretty sure he slept with one eye open the whole night, listening for the jingling sleigh-bells and the dent he was sure Santa would put in the roof when he landed.

But Santa did find us and showered the boy with gifts as per usual.

This year was different though.  Ethan was mesmerized by everything and seemed to want to savour the moment a lot more than in prior years.  He didn’t just tear into his presents with reckless abandon only to discard them for the next seconds later.  He relished each gift, opened it and was very thankful for each one.  It was fab for the hour it lasted!

But by 9.3oam it was all over, the exhaustion had set in and he was crashed out in his inflatable boat watching his new shark doco – we still had Christmas lunch with 40+ people at Mum and Dads to go yet, boy needs to learn how to pace himself!

The rest of the day was awesome, Auckland turned it on and the weather was blazing hot, we had such a great day with the family.  The kids had so much to do they were never fussy or whiny (Ethan saved that for the way home, bless) and the food was amazing.  We all got to chat with Hadyn via skype which was some consolation to him not being with us, but I’m sure he and Joanna had an awesome Christmas together on the big ship.

So it’s done.  The craziness of shopping and cooking and shopping are over for another year and I might need some physio for my wii injuries in the New Year.  Hope your holidays were special xxxx

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  1. Dec 30, 2009 1:05 am

    good photos!…but I notice the ones of Dave in his fishing vest are missing!!

    • Dec 30, 2009 2:17 am

      @Lynne Godfrey

      I don't have any of those, do you?