Today I;
- Did 5 pull-ups in a row for the first time (with technique so bad it looked like I was hauling myself into a tree to escape an alligator but heyho)
- Ate 7 Lindt balls in 20 minutes to celebrate the fact that I hadn’t eaten any Lindt balls in 8 weeks – BRAVO
- Had voffee (virtual coffee) and completed a group workout over Zoom for the first time
- Listened as our 15yo suffered through getting Nix to focus through his entire reader, and thought “these sibling moments will be the gold that comes out of this lockdown”, and also thought “thank God it’s Ethan and not me!”
- Laughed as Nix had a Facetime playdate with a friend and they spent the entire time asking “CAN YOU SEE ME?!” and making fart noises
- Washed a blanket. That was the extent of my ‘extra’ house-wife-ing, I have to pace myself you know, can’t get too ahead, there are 4 weeks to fill in after all!
- Barely checked the Herald app or watched the news for the first time in weeks. We are in isolation, what more do I need to know?
- Didn’t fight with Dave, can’t say the same for the kids!
- Lost the dog (again, 2nd day in a row). Found dog, he’s surprisingly quick for a blind old man.
- Made 2/3 beds before 8am. Happy with that.
- Got out of jammies quickly but have been in activewear since was first active this morning. Dubious hygiene kicking in quick lol
- Up too late writing this list.
Good night! Hope day 1 was a box of birds for you my fellow locked-down New Zealanders! xx