So I recently spent $99 on registering our guard dog Louie with our new local council. This is the type of burn-your-money expenditure that comes with dog ownership and that is a fact of life. However, we received in the mail today a Dog Owners Welcome pack, sent out by the council. How nice! It explained the dog bylaws, had info about puppy training classes and other useful ways to waste paper – I gave you my email address people!
All that aside, I did skim read the material and was especially intrigued by the section on dog control;
Hmmmm, yes. Control of dogs in public places – very important. But what’s that? Is that a sticker…..right there….
Ahhh, that’s what I thought it was meant to say! I often worry about dog control in pubic places and now I can rest easy knowing that there is a desktop publishing saboteur working for my local council who has put my fears out there, at the fore of every dog owner in the district!
Sep 18, 2009 1:08 am
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