
Friday Friends


I love spontaneous visits, love pop-ins and impromptu get-togethers.  These social gems don’t happen too much now that we live in the sticks, but today the sun and stars were aligned and Kris and I chatting on the phone led to a visit from her and her rad boys.  I love these pics, late afternoon sun makes beautiful children MORE beautiful!



Ethans face totally gives him away here I really want that fish, but Im doing what she tells me, IM SHARING, but hes not even 2, should I take him down?

Ethan's face totally gives him away here "I really want that fish, but I'm doing what she tells me, I'M SHARING, but he's not even 2, should I take him down?"

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  1. Aug 9, 2009 2:10 am

    This looks so fantastically fun : ) I just love kids in a pool. It makes them so happy! : )