
Giveaway | Peaceful Baby Sleep Book

Peaceful Baby Sleep

Peaceful Baby SleepLast week I received a gorgeous wee book in the mail to read and review.  I was excited.  I love books and LOVED this book in particular as it gave me a chance to go back to those precious long days {and short years} of Ethan’s early life.

This would make a perfect baby shower gift for an expecting mama – it’s brimming with positivity and chock full of lovely, feel good personal experience.

Look out for my full book review next week, but in the mean time here is your first chance to enter to win your very own copy of Peaceful Baby Sleep.

Charlotte’s book has a chapter dedicated to Baby-Wearing, something that Dave and I really enjoyed while we were able – Ethan was/is a monster child, so he only lasted in the back-pack until approx 18 mths, but we definitely made the most of it while we were able; rock climbing anyone?

How to enter:

Simply leave a comment below about your bub’s early days, were you a baby-wearer like me?

For extra entries you can be super awesome and;

  • Tweet about it {then leave another comment and let me know}
  • Like The Best Nest on Facebook {then leave another comment and let me know}
  • Like Peaceful Baby Sleep on Facebook {then leave another comment and let me know}

The winner will be selected randomly from all comments left on the series of three posts that have been inspired by this lovely book.  Prize drawn Mon 25th June.

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  1. Jun 14, 2012 11:55 pm

    I’d love to win this book! My husband and I are baby wearers, although my bubs doesn’t like the backpack so only my husband can carry him now on his front since our bubs is now 10kg.

  2. Jun 15, 2012 10:31 am

    Having our beautiful girl in a sling seemed like a really natural thing to do, though it did take a couple of tries for her to get used to it. The best thing about it that I have found is that she is so happy to go to sleep in it when we are out and about… in fact it’s the only way she will go to sleep when we are out!
    Now that she’s 5months she loves sitting up as I walk around so that she can look at everything.

  3. Jun 15, 2012 7:18 pm

    We both wear our son, usually in an ergo now that he is 10 months old. I had a stretchy wrap when he was younger and loved that. I would be really interested in that book, our son has slept through the night only twice in his life. I would LOVE a full night’s sleep!