These are the days you wait for.
I also have a feeling these are the days you miss the most when they are gone. My faithful sidekick, with me every minute of the day, screaming “BUBBY-do!!” at every turn, at every milestone throughout the day – laundry, meal time, bed making, dog walking, potato peeling, unloading the dishwasher……..son, your domestic training has begun early!
I have never felt so utterly happy and at peace as I did today while I was mowing the back lawn. Weird, I know, but when a little person is just radiating joy because the two of you are out in the yard, mowing and pretend mowing together, it’s a nice little reminder of how simple life can be – and should be? I know every parent believes in their child and loves them more and more with each passing second, and I’m totally having one of those ‘my kids is the shit’ moments, but I just wish every single person I know could experience how hilarious and smart, loving and amazing Nix is at this special age. So close to two, and yet so far from the baby he’s grown out of. He’s one of those kids whose personality is so huge it takes over the whole house and has everyone wrapped around his little finger, hoping to be next in line for big, slobbery hugs.
The things that make Nix happy are many, varied and random;
- Favourite book – Tiddler
- Favourite food – Beetroot and avocado
- Favourite toy – Trucks
- Favourite person – Ethan + E’s friends
- Favourite show – Little Einsteins
- Favourite jams – The Wiggles
- Favourite Soft Toy – Leapfrog Puppy & Sharky
- Favourite topic of conversation – Diggers
- Favourite pastime – Helping “I help it”
- Favourite weirdo habit – carrying his baby powder around ‘PowPow’
The things Nix hates are also many;
- He still hates having his diaper changed. I don’t blame him, an unfortunate side-effect of Hirschsprungs Disease
- He does not enjoy the locks on the pantry
- He does not enjoy following instruction at swimming lessons
- He is still fighting his battle with Sandpit Rage, it’s a long, hard road
- He hates it when we drive somewhere that ISN’T the Nor’Western Motorway ergo no diggers, this makes Nixon very, very angry
- He hates it when his mash is late and taking too long to cool down
- He very much dislikes getting out of the shower
- He appears to be very afraid of spiders and bugs
- Despite being filthy and playing outside most of the time, he dislikes his hands being dirty
- When he is with his Dad en masse, ie the weekends, he hates being out of reach of him. Dave can’t easily go swimming, or disappear from sight. Nix loves his daddy.
Mar 27, 2015 7:37 pm
Beautiful photos! And I'm excited to come across a New Zealand blogger 🙂
Apr 2, 2015 2:47 pm
I love love love the shot of you both mowing the lawn. Super super cute. 🙂