Surely it’s not. Dave and I woke up at 4.37am. On a Monday. With school, work, swimming lessons and a netball game tonight for me, this is going to be the longest day ever.
Returning to work was surprisingly easy, I missed my workmates. When you are used to seeing people five days a week you become strangely attached to them. Ethan also had a great day back, he hopped in the truck after school a changed boy which was lovely and lucky for him as he was a demon child yesterday; I was dreading the drama I thought might accompany his return to school and routine. Instead he has chatted non stop about how great it was to see all of his wee mates and all the welcome back hugs he got.
This holiday was amazing for our family. I didn’t realize how much Dave and I were bitching at each other or how impatient we were being with Ethan until I was faced with the possibility of not being able to travel at all {you can catch up on that here}.
Being able to attend my little brothers wedding in Chicago and watching Ethan bond instantly with his American family was worth every penny of the massive cost of the trip.
- Family is everything
- Some people are forever friends even over time and oceans
- United Airlines are the absolute worst option long haul
- Santa Monica Promenade is the business for escaping LAX during a long layover (and some of the best shopping I have ever seen!)
Those are some things I have learned.