It’s Mother’s Day season again and like (I’m guessing!) 99% of you, I’m staring at the calendar and my multiple to-do lists wondering how it can be that we now find ourselves in MAY, on the cusp of winter and racing through 2017 at such a rate that I’m struggling to remember the big moments in our year so far, let alone the small moments that can make such a difference to our day-to-day lives.
That’s the quintessential paradox of modern parenting though, isn’t it? Celebrate everything, be and do ALL the things, say yes with reckless abandon only to overcommit yourself and fill your days with all the trappings of BUSY.
This is my life.
My name is Melissa and I am a BUSY addict.
I don’t know how to stop being busy (I’d desperately like to, to be honest), but, I’ve got a couple of tricks up my sleeve to help me slow it down each day, even for just a few of minutes here and there. Little moments do matter and can make a big difference in your day.
Do something special just for you
We sneak little treats into the kids’ lunchboxes now and then, surprise our partners with a favourite meal or a date night but it’s not so often we go that extra mile for ourselves is it? Certainly not on a daily basis.
I just can’t seem to drink enough water, which in turn affects everything from my mood to my overall health. Taking the time to address this water deficit, is a tiny bit of self-investment that will pay off in the long run.
What you can do: Spend 5 minutes prepping a delicious, hydrating drink that you’ll want to sip on throughout the day!
- Find a caffeine-free fruit tea that you love and whip up a cold brew to add to your flask or drink bottle. I love Red Seal Lemon & Lime Hot or Cold Brew.
- Add ice
- Add lemon and/or lime slices
- Pat yourself on the back and drink up!
Create a Daily Ritual
When my boys are at school or kindy, they eat morning tea and lunch at the same time every day. My days, however, are random and blurry in which I’m flying by the seat of my pants 99% of the time.
What we can do: Identify a time of day during which you can sit, undisturbed, in a relatively peaceful environment and just BE. It could mean leaving your desk at work to take a break instead of just working right through, it could be taking a moment for a cup of tea at 2.30 before school pick-up, or setting aside 10 minutes of reading time before bed instead of mindlessly scrolling social media.
Ritual and routine are important to help everyone feel grounded and they needn’t take up large chunks of time which we just don’t have.
Try Something New
When it comes to food trends, I am definitely NOT an early adopter, tech – yes, bone broth – no!
Nix does have congenital gut issues, however, so I’m always on the lookout for some great, natural food ideas that both he and his brother will love (HA!) and that may have some therapeutic benefits for his little digestive system.
Homemade, natural gummies have been popping up here and there on my social feeds lately. They’re made with the protein-packed, collagen goodness of grass-fed gelatin (great for Nixie’s tummy and great for my skin!), so whipping up some delish, fruity gummy treats has been on my to-do list for ages.
What you can do: Getting creative and allowing yourself permission to fail can be quite liberating! Take baby steps, stop putting off something you’ve wanted to try, enrol in that yoga class and make today awesome!
These gummies took me two attempts to perfect, but were not a massive time commitment as start to finish they take 45 minutes max and have only 5 ingredients!
Fruit Tea Gummies Recipe
3/4 cup of diced fruit (I used pre-frozen then defrosted sliced peaches from our tree this summer)
1/2 cup of water with two Red Seal Hot or Cold Brew fruit tea bags (I used Raspberry & Strawberry)
1 1/2 tbsp of natural, grass-fed gelatin
1 tsp Red Seal Manuka Honey UMF5+
Coconut oil to grease moulds if you are using them.
Puree your fruit. I use my Nutribullet with a touch of water.
Add gelatin, brewed Red Seal tea and fruit to a small saucepan, stir to dissolve gelatin.
Add honey and whisk constantly over a low heat until fully combined, thickening a little and just simmering at the edges.
Grease silicone moulds (or use a glass dish lined with baking paper), pour mixture in and pop in the freezer. They should set in about 20 minutes.
Pop gummies out of the moulds or lift out the baking paper and cut into pieces.
WIN > Make your own Red Seal Fruit Tea Gummies!
Want to try this easy-peasy recipe out at home for yourself? Tell me which Red Seal tea flavour you’d most like to try (take a look here) by leaving me a comment below and you’re in the draw to win a 3-Pack of delicious fruit teas and two silicone moulds so you can whip up some yummy gummies at home.
Comp closes Sunday 21 May @10pm. NZ residents only.
May 21, 2017 9:00 pm
Yes these do seem to be popping up all over the show, and like you I’ve been too “busy” being bloody busy to try them. We have heaps of frozen fruit from our trees to use up and would love to try the blueberry and black currant x