Ethan was surprisingly precious about his Dad going to Wellington for work. He wanted to talk to and text him ALL. THE. TIME. I was a little flummoxed, I was all like this is good E, things are quiet, there are no socks lying around in little balls, it’s just you and Mama, blogging, eating chocolate, drinking wine………
Didn’t help the situation. Did I mention that Ethan chastised me for cooking bacon for breakfast on Monday morning? I have obviously failed that child in so many ways {bacon is for EVERY day of the week, that is why I always buy a kilo pack!}
Anywho, I wanted to have a super fun day with him to really kick the week off in a good way. It was wicked, we headed into town and took the day at our own pace wandering wherever we wanted to go and eating whenever the whimsy took us.
Our first stop was the Sustainable Coastlines repurposed container/mobile classroom on Wynyard Quarter. Participate in one of these workshops if you possible can. The kids were so stoked and absolutely enthralled with the presentation. These guys are cool and they sure know how to get an important message across to a bunch of little brains.
Next we took a stroll along the waterfront and found ourselves at the Fish Market {of course}. We ate the best squid ever and perused the fish stocks;
We took in the sights;
Ate some gelato at Istorm in the Chancery (in LOVE with this place!). E chose Mango, Pineapple and Papaya (MP3) and Mars Bar while I savoured a little cone of watermelon gelato. So worth a little drive just for this!
We finished our day with a little surprise stop in Herald Island. Our cousin Kev was jet-skiing there and I had a sneaky suspicion E might like a little ride before we headed home for the day. Win!
I love my little guy so much, he’s growing like a weed however and is going to be able to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder soon enough, sad face.