
My son……


I am posting this picture solely for Ethan’s future embarrassment.   After all, the sole purpose of this blog is to create a record of pretty much everything we do as a family, so Ethan can look at it as he grows up and hopefully remember what amazingly cool parents he had!  Apart from allowing him to wear a leotard everyday that is.  The Cheetah suit actually lives at kindy, but seeing as he wears it every day, 5 days a week, I thought I better bring it home and wash the boy-stink out of it.  Not that any other kid at kindy would have the balls to put it on, I’m sure they would be too scared of the potential repercussions, after all Ethan is pretty big.  So big in fact, that he is blowing out the seams of this suit, the lycra has already been stripped of any elastic properties it may once have had, there are in fact ladders in the bum-area but this does not appear to have diminished the appeal.  So tomorrow, we are going on a hunt for velvet, cheetah print lycra and I am going to get mums sewing machine and make a leotard. I will keep you posted.  Until then…ENJOY!

Ethan 002

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