
Poor neglected bloggy


My day was going great, I was super productive, had a great lecture, crossed heaps of things off my To Do list, had an awesome meeting with Ethan’s teacher, cooked a fab dinner, finished the GST……and then it turned to shit. Strangely I received a visual confirmation of just how shit it was in the form of the FIRST ever roach in this house (we have lived here since May). That’s a sign people. A sign that your awesome cooking post is just going to have to wait because after you finish your triple strength cocktail you are going to bed with some soduko on the DS because that’s about all you can manage. [insert every cuss word here]. And if this post is all garbled and looks like ass it’s because I sent it from my phone WHICH IS NOT AN IPHONE! [insert every cuss word here]. Humph.

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  1. Feb 27, 2010 6:03 am

    LOL. A cockroach and blogging from a phone that is not an iphone. Oh the horror 😛
    .-= Chavah´s last blog ..Creating a Mural in My Kitchen – Part 2 =-.

    • Feb 27, 2010 6:47 am


      Yay! So glad you could see the humour in my totally self-indulgent whining. We are allowed to do that sometimes right?

  2. Feb 27, 2010 7:16 am

    Definitely! After the sacrifices we make we're allowed to feel self pity every now and again.
    .-= Chavah´s last blog ..Creating a Mural in My Kitchen – Part 2 =-.