
Pregnancy Cravings | Fresh Sammies

Corned beef sandwich

Corned beef sandwich

I haven’t (yet!) experienced any mad pregnancy cravings, though there is still 6 weeks remaining before I am full term!  There were a couple of weeks when I spent a LOT of time thinking about cream doughnuts, with real cream of course, but I can truthfully say I only indulged in approximately four.  Go me.

One thing I have consistently enjoyed throughout the last 7.5 months is bread, rolls, bagels, crumpets and carbs in general.  I hadn’t eaten carbs for 18 months before this pregnancy so I have really enjoyed cutting myself a bit of slack and chowing down on some good sammies.

At this late stage of pregnancy, fibre is very import {for reasons we shan’t speak of} so I was very happy to be able to enjoy a loaf of lovely, soft, white toast bread guilt free thanks to  Natures Fresh Simply Fibre.  White bread is a treat in our house due to it’s generally useless nutritional properties, however I will happily add this bread to our shopping cart as being able to enjoy thick white toast {smothered with Marmite and butter} without sacrificing fibre content is a definite win!


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