
Soccer & Dogs


Ethan is mad on soccer at the moment and Nana surprised him today with two brand spanking new Nike soccer balls – one for our house and one for hers.  He was so excited to get home and have a game with his Dad.  Lucky for us the new front lawn is huge and flat so just perfect for the New Zealand vs.. America matches that are going to ensue!  The afternoon got even better when I remembered that cousin Jake had given Ethan two pairs of soccer boots that he had grown out of, one of which was a perfect fit!  We are now waiting on an email back from the coach of the local kindergarten soccer team to find out if they room for a new player, can’t wait!

Lou used to love playing soccer and was awesome on defence, but this new fancy ball has him running scared as he can see his reflection in it and refuses to touch the thing – looks like Dave’s soccer team is falling to pieces as Scooby is not much on the field either!





The new house has so much more room, Ethan has his own arts and crafts area that he doesn’t have to pack up each day – he loves it




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This is where Louie spends much of the day, he loves the view!  Even when he is inside he often lays on our bed so he can admire the view and dream of those dastardly chickens that are just over that little wire fence……

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Gumboots are compulsory footwear at this time of year, it has been raining on and off pretty much every day for 2 weeks now, but as you can see there are long fine breaks and my washing got dry on the line today!

043Such good form already!  I think Dave is secretly so pleased that Ethan has taken to soccer over rugby as that is what he used to play as a kid in Florida.

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