
The most amazing-est 5yo that EVER was

WARNING:  this post is about to make you cringe with mama-pride

Ethan has just finished his first full term at school and has definitely stamped his mark on his lovely, small country school.  He has participated in everything, has raced through the reading levels to the top group which consists of Ethan and one other girl, has made firm friends with kids of all ages throughout the school and has won award after award.  Best of all, he LOVES school.  We have not had one day this whole term where he woke up and said he didn’t want to go, WIN.

"Will we still be friends after I waste you in this race?"

Swimming Sports was a highlight of the term and an interesting day for all of the kids.  At age 5 most kids haven’t really EVER participated in a race where winners are recognised and trying your absolute best to be the best pays off.  Ethan got the hang of swim races pretty quickly (he should have as he has been in lessons since he was 3 months old!).  He was entered in 6 races and won 5, the last race was backstroke against the 7 year olds in which he entered himself!  I actually started to get nervous before his races, but he got a taste for winning and loved the competition aspect of the day.  We are just so proud of him and his amazing love of the water.

Ethan also received a Bumper Kids Award which is the highest recognition of excellent, socially aware behaviour in the school!

He received a classroom award for excellent story writing;

An Achievement Award for trying hard in everything he does;

And a Principal’s Award for excellent story writing.  This one is a BIG deal, they are not given out lightly!

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  1. Sarah · April 12, 2010

    Yah! Go Ethan! Us parents have every right to be uber gushy and very proud – it makes everrhing worthwhile. Happy children = happy parents and I hope Ethan continues to love school.

  2. Mad Woman · April 12, 2010

    WOO! Good for him 🙂 Gush away, Mama….you have every right to, those are some great accomplishments!
    .-= Mad Woman´s last blog ..Why won't your parakeet eat WHAT?? =-.