
The night before Christmas…


Ethan was SO excited when this arrived in the mail yesterday.  He was worried that Santa may not have been able to read his return address on the letter he wrote.  Luckily Mama sent Santa a quick email just to make sure.  It’s quite handy how all of these guys have email and cell phones these days, Ethan was playing with a friend today and they were sending Darth Vader all kinds of text messages.

Santa Letter

Ethan and I spent yesterday baking up a storm – The Annual Christmas Shortbread.  This year Ethan did an amazing job, next he’ll be doing it by himself I think!
Mixing up the Shortbread

Cutting out the Cookies

Laying out his cookies

Shortbread success!

Spread the love



  1. Dec 25, 2009 12:34 pm

    WHERE did you get a letter like that??? I wish I'd thought to do something like that for the kids!
    .-= MadWoman´s last blog ..Christmas….Kiwi Style =-.

    • Dec 25, 2009 8:58 pm


      The NZ Post website does it every year! You fill out an online form and they get mailed out – just make sure you time it AFTER the kids have mailed their Santa letters!

      Have a fantastic day – looks like it's going to be the hottest Christmas Day ever!