
Things I’m Loving



 * Loving 3kgs of my tomatoes in 3 DAYS!  We are chomping throughout them though so I’m not sure if we will even need to make sauce or chutney with the excess!


 * Lovimg summer nights, E is making good use of the extra playtime hours with some mean-as ninjago moves on the tramp


 * Dave is getting organised for school lunches and whipped up some ham and cheese pizza rolls this week.  Amaze.  Using the bread maker for the dough resulted in silky smooth dough, we are going to make some this weekend with franks in them for sandwich alternatives.


 * Mum and I had so much fun up north poking around in all of the vintage shops; we found some Crowne Lynn treasures to bring home including two beehive mixing bowls!  I saw this tray of vintage buttons and thought of all of you crafty bloggers that would make so many wonderful things with them!


*  Loving our schools decision to use Eeny Meeny for stationary this year, this service is definitely worth $5 in postage to me.  One click to choose our school, one click to choose the correct year, boom, stationary pack ordered.


 * OMG.  LOVING Shorty at the moment, tonight’s going to be SO good.  You’re going down Zac….. (finally)


 * Loving this little piece of paper which means I go for my anatomy scan on TUESDAY!!!  We are splashing out and going for a 3d scan just because we have never had one and this one is a pretty big deal.  Very excited, plus my Mum has almost run out of the gender neutral baby items to buy lol


 * So much Loving Westpac Hotpoints, they add up so quickly as we use our cards for all monthly spending and pay them off in full at the end of the month helping to reduce interest costs on our mortgage.  I have just received the first Baby City gift card, which I am going to collect and file away for help towards a big ticket item in a few months.

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  1. Feb 2, 2013 8:55 am

    Loving everything on this list! Your high flying trampolinist (great pic by the way!), and we also got a school stationery pack (SO.MUCH.EASIER!). So excited for your scan on Tuesday….squee!!

  2. Feb 4, 2013 8:41 am

    You've had 3kg of tomatoes?? I've only just picked our first lonely ripe one 🙁 So jealous!! So excited about your scan – does this mean you're finding out the gender?? Regardless, enjoy seeing that little bundle of joy xx

    • Feb 5, 2013 4:51 am

      @Ange - Tall, Short &

      Oh yes I'm finding out! Bit of a planner you see : )