
This is what I think about that.

  • I think that the first recycling pickup after the holiday period is just the best feeling ever – all of that paper and wrapping and cardboard gone! I love it.
  • I think that getting rid of my Christmas manicure which looked so cute pre-santa and looked so Fran Drescher post-santa was $30 very, very well spent.  Also no new manicure as per previous ‘saving money’ post – sad face.
  • I think that having a 2.4 metre Great White Shark, the apex predator of the entire ocean, cruising in the Auckland Harbour is seriously amazing. I wish I could see it for myself.
  • I think that Spotify is just about the best thing ever!  I switched my Spark plan to one that comes with a free Spotify premium membership and my running playlist has never sounded so good, I can see how a little tweaking and playing on the app will create {eventually} The Greatest Melissa Playlist of ALL Time.  Excite.
  • I think that American Horror Story is just about the most freaky show/movie I’ve ever seen and Dave and I have only watched Episode 1!  Holy shit-balls.  Not sure how far we will get into that series.
  • I think that I’m finally getting my reading mojo back, I’ve got The Kiterunner on my Kindle at the moment and I’m hooked.
  • I think that forgetting to buy a school pool key this summer is just about the most stupid thing I’ve done in a while.  Melting.
  • I think that some people need to get off their asses/couches and get outside/take their kids outside and enjoy themselves. Man the moaning gets tiresome <did i just say that?  Look, it’s amazingly beautiful when you leave your driveway!  This is as good as it gets weather-wise in New Zealand right now and wow, it’s a stunner of a summer!

Muriwai Beach Auckland Mummy Blog NZ


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  1. Jan 5, 2015 8:37 pm

    Hubby is drooling over the shark! Yay for this amazing weather – we live in paradise so totally agree with you! Totally loving getting my reading Mojo back too – Woohoo!

  2. Jan 5, 2015 9:31 pm

    The recycling pick up! Yes!

  3. Jan 6, 2015 8:03 am

    Oh yes the relief over recycling. I’ve had it piling up in plastic bins in my laundry. Also so with you on the music front. I have a similar app called Deezer and my whole life has been changed by a dinky portable speaker we got for Christmas. Amazing music everywhere I go! That book is fantastic. Have you read One Day by David Nicholls? Recommend it to everyone.

  4. Jan 6, 2015 8:40 am

    Yes on the recycling! The best! Must be living under a rock as I had no idea about the shark!! And yes to getting out there! It's awesome!

  5. Jan 8, 2015 8:21 pm

    Impressive thought of thinking, I'm also going to think about something 😛