


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.”


nixon: happy birthday my darling baby!  and you are still a baby, so much more so than your big brother at one and that’s just fine with me.  you had an amazing birthday, having your operation postponed meant we were all happy, relaxed and you felt great.  it was a blessing in disguise really.  you enjoyed daddy’s birthday pancakes so much i really think we should have given you a pancake stack instead of your own cake {not such a fan of cake and icing!}.  this has been hands down the best year of our lives, you have completed the jack family, created a wonderful big brother in ethan and we all just can’t stop loving and kissing on you x


ethan: we wanted you to celebrate with us and nixon on his birthday so you took the day off school and we headed to mexico for lunch.  you have always been the best kid to take to restaurants.  you love trying new food and flavours and your dad and i both really enjoy discussing recipes and critiquing dishes with you.  mexican food is our family’s firm favourite so it wasn’t too surprising that we loved our meal but it was great to see you enjoying and appreciating the experience.  plus you have the most brilliant blue eyes my boy xx

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  1. Jul 13, 2014 5:23 pm

    Awww happy birthday little man! x