


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.”


nixie: we quarantined you in prep for your operation.  as always you made your own fun, returning to sit in this frame again and again pointing out faces and finding your beloved nana x 


ethan: we enjoyed a special family day at the zoo before your brother and i headed off to the hospital.  you played tour guide and got impatient with us as we lingered over pigs that your little brother was enjoying, but, you are a big kid now.  i keep forgetting and then i see us in a picture together and the fact that you will be 10 in three short months slaps me upside the head.  i hope you always want hugs from mum x

linking with www.practisingsimplicity.com

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  1. Aug 12, 2014 1:43 pm

    Such a beautiful picture of you and E. I sometimes think the same about my oldest boy (he's 6) – you are not a little toddler anymore! Funny how it surprises us, huh? xx

  2. Aug 12, 2014 2:39 pm

    Awww such lovely pictures of all 3 of you xx