I have been channelling my domestic goddess even more than normal lately and, I have been S E W I N G. I know, it IS a big deal. Prior to recent adventures in Spotlight I had not sewed since Home Economics in Form 2. Think how along that must have been for it to have been called Form Two!
Luckily my Mum had not upgraded her sewing machine since then so I remembered how to use it fairly quickly – sewing machine is just about as old as me and pretty much brand new! I think she got over her domestic goddess phase pretty quickly lol. I have since made bandanna bibs, an advent calendar {which I will show you as soon as I learn what applique means and fix the numbers on} and this – behold my beauteous Christmas bunting!
I’m pretty sure this is the peak of my ability here, I mean those flags have a backing, I sewed them, inside-outed them, PUT BIAS BINDING ON THEM {thank you Jesus and YouTube}, I sewed loops on the end of the bias binding………oh, and top stitching……phew.
Yes, I am quite proud of my first length of Christmas Bunting. Mum said she wanted to buy some for the house up north and I said “whoa there, I have fabric in my stash of one-project-so-far-leftovers, let me make you some bunting!”. And so I did.
The end.
Ah well, I guess you can see my advent calendar sans advent numbers, I will finish this next week!
Dec 12, 2013 11:13 am
Whoohoo! go you! The bunting and calender (numbers or not) look fantastic! I'd be pretty darn happy with it too! Thanks for linking up – great to have you play along!
Dec 12, 2013 2:01 pm
ho ho ho that is very cute! Well done you
Dec 12, 2013 2:27 pm
Doesn't it give you a great feeling to tell you're Mum – don't go buying it I'll make it for you. That's what its alllll about. And I must say its all very neatly done, so I think you must be a natural sewer.
Dec 12, 2013 2:58 pm
hehehe love your blog new follower from show and tell!! love your bunting
hugs xo
Dec 13, 2013 10:41 am
Hi Lisa! Thank you x
Dec 13, 2013 1:15 pm
That is fantastic…you will have those memories now every year you pull them out at Christmas time. x
Dec 13, 2013 4:13 pm
Super cute 🙂
Dec 15, 2013 9:00 am
Gorgeous- loving the Crown Lynn too : )