{FYI, this is NOT a sponsored post, I just received excellent service on a gorgeous product and wanted to share.}
You know those seasons {usually they last for around 365 days a year} when all of your disposable income seems to be spent on your kids? Autumn is that season for us. I feel the cold really easily so may be a little paranoid about my boys getting shivery as the temp starts to drop. E grows in both directions like a weed so he never gets more than one season out of any item of clothing, and Nixon is fresh & new so his wardrobe requirements are pretty much ongoing. I’m going to focus on layering for bubs to help me shop smart and get more wear out of his clothes.
www.tinyturtles.co.nz had these Luxe Singletsuits on sale yesterday for 50% off! I grabbed three and am in love! They are pretty much the softest thing I have ever felt, 65% bamboo is a wondrous thing to behold, it’s going to feel super snuggly against little Nixies skin throughout the colder months.
Tiny Turtles is a mama run business and Brenda seems to frequently pop up great special on her Facebook Page, so it’s worth checking them out here.
Have a great weekend everyone, hope you’re drying out Christchurch xx
Mar 8, 2014 11:07 am
love baby bonds and love that they go to a size3 in some stuff!