One month exactly until I hit the ‘magic’ milestone that is 40 years old, and I’m sliding in to that big birthday with skin that I’m in love with right now.
The past 12 months have definitely seen an increased investment in time, money and basically, just, attention to my skin. I’ve simply stopped being so lazy, I’ve made washing my makeup off at night a more frequent occurrence than ‘never’, I’ve religiously applied sunscreen to my face every day and I’ve been open to experiencing a broader of skin treatments than lovely (but basic, let’s be honest) facials.
The fab team at Clinic 42 have been putting in the hard yards over the past 6 months, guiding me through a series of treatments and I’m seeing the results increase incrementally after each appointment.
To be clear, I’m talking skin treatments here, not injectables (you can read my opinion piece on Botox here).
We kicked things off with a series of three medical peels to exfoliate and brighten my complexion in a non-invasive way. I saw amazing results using varying combinations/layering of acids, but be prewarned, this is a peel program in which your skin WILL peel. This didn’t bother me too much and the skin turnover time was around 5 days, but, based on that, a medical peel may not be for everyone.

What is Microneedling?
Microneedling, at its most basic level involves using a physical device to repeatedly puncture the skin via many tiny needles. The goal/benefits are two-fold; the ‘micro-damage’ caused by the needles initiates a repair response from the body, resulting in increased production of collagen and elastin. Secondly, the channels created by the needles deliver topicals deeper into the skin when applied after a microneedling treatment.
Sweet! I’ll just buy a dermal-roller and get on with this at home, right?
Oh please NO.
Let’s think about this; needles going into anyone’s skin shouldn’t be re-used, ever ::::shudder:::: and secondly, a miniature rolling pin covered in needles is not exactly a precise instrument. Needles in this instance enter the skin at an angle, which can cause tearing and increased (unnecessary) irritation.
A Dermapen 4 treatment on the other hand, is professionally administered, controlled, hygienic and precise. The 16 tiny needles in a Dermapen 4 cartridge enter the skin vertically resulting in minimum trauma, pain and skin recovery.

Why I Love Dermapen 4
- Treatment is FAST. I’m in and out of Clinic 42 in 45 minutes.
- Pain? Barely. There is some, but it’s mainly concentrated in specific areas. I find my forehead the most tender, but, as you may have seen on Instagram, I’ve filmed the entire process holding my phone so it can’t be that bad!
- Recovery is fast! After 24hrs, I find all tenderness and redness has gone.
- The results are too good to ignore. Dermapen 4 is recommended for treatment of a myriad of skin concerns from fine lines to scarring, age spots, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation and more, the first thing I noticed was a reduction in the size of pores on my nose – something that had been increasingly bothering me for years. Secondly, after one treatment an annoying, bright red burst capillary on the tip of my nose completely disappeared and finally, the resurfacing/retexturizing effect of Dermapen treatments is
UNBELEIVABLE . Seriously, wind-back-the-clock good. I have never been happier with my skin than I am now as I stand on the grim precipice of 40 – JOKES, I’m pumped about my birthday, this next decade is going to be amazing I can feel it!

The confidence I feel is also due to the implicit trust I have in the team at Clinic 42. Both Doctors and Nurses alike and incredibly knowledgeable, professional, warm and welcoming. An appointment here is something I look forward to and my fab partnership with the clinic as I share my skin journey with you is an added bonus on top of the fantastic results I am seeing month by month.