

Cook, Eat | Best EVER Waffle Recipe

Cook, Eat | Best EVER Waffle Recipe

Dave received a waffle maker for his birthday at the beginning of the month, so we have been faffing about, trying out different waffle recipes for the past three weeks and not been entirely impressed with any of them.  

Until today.

Behold, The Jack Family 2/3rds American Approved Best EVER Waffle Recipe!  These have a very liquid, thin batter which is what we had been looking for.  Dense batters = dense waffles and we prefer the light and fluffy variety.  It’s never good to feel like you’ve swallowed a couple of bricks after brekkie right?

Best Ever Waffle Recipe
  1. 3 tablespoons butter
  2. 1 1/2 cup flour
  3. 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  4. Pinch of salt
  5. 2 tablespoons sugar
  6. 1 1/2 cup milk
  7. 2 eggs
  1. Preheat waffle iron and read manufacturer's instructions. Melt butter in microwave. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. In another bowl, beat together milk and eggs. Whisk liquid mixture into dry ingredients until just combined. Stir in melted butter. Brush hot waffle iron with butter. Spoon about 1/2 cup of batter onto iron and close to cook. This first waffle will be the tester. Cook waffle until golden brown. Remove to plate and keep warm.

Juicing 101 | Doing it on a budget

There are certain things in life that I like to embrace early; fashion, home style, technology, apps, digital media……. but diving into the latest diet and nutrition phase as an early adopter is not something I’m into.

I’m not a paleo, raw food, protein only, vegan, organic, gluten free kind of person and no-one in my family is.  Simple fact is we all enjoy cooking and eating food far too much to survive on any kind of restricted eating plan.  That’s why I’m a little late to the party on the whole juicing front.

Also, I really, really do not enjoy smoothies and this had put me off trying juicing {two different end results I realise that!}.  Lumpy, bitsy textures are not my thing and I hadn’t realised that the new generation of juicers are just seriously amazing and pop out the most silky, pulp free juice there ever was!

So, enter two huge gifted bags of delicious winter oranges that I didn’t want to waste and one of those extremely rare Briscoes sales and hello we are juicing!

mummy-blog-juicingSo after an initial investment of $139 for a Breville Juice Fountain it was time to stock the fridge.  On Day 1 we used what we had in the house, whipping up a breakfast juice containing, kiwi fruit, spinach, oranges, apples, pears, grapes and celery.  Thank god……it was amazing!  I was totally surprised that I not just liked it, I loved it! Dave was totally on board after our first mish-mash juice, but we quickly realised we are going to need a lot more fruit.

I’m always on the lookout for bargain fruit boxes to use in cooking etc so I thought some of these would be a great option.  All the flesh is left behind in the juicing process so it really doesn’t matter if your fruit has a few bruises or is a bit too ripe.  I totally scored a box of 9 mangos for $1.99 and a box of mixed apples, pears and nectarines for $1.99!!!!  Henderson is crazy town I tell you what.

So Day 2 was much the same as Day 1 with the addition of mangos and carrot and increased quantities so E and Mum could have one too – everybody loves this juice.  I do have to get up early and get my chop on, but a big cup of this kept me going through a run and errands until my salad for lunch at 1.30pm, I also feel a wee bit peppy!

So, are we on board with the juicing hippies?  Yes indeed friends.  Bottoms up!


Kiwi Mummy Blog Review – Vitarium Sugar Free Drinking mixes

Kiwi Mummy Blog Review – Vitarium Sugar Free Drinking mixes

I’m not a huge milk fan, to be honest I really, really don’t enjoy milk.  This makes remembering to offer it to my kids a wee bit of a problem.

Problem now solved as I don’t have to remember – Ethan simply asks for milk {every day!} mixed with Vitarium Sugar Free Kids drink mixes.

These 100% natural mixes blitz the competition right across the board including being 99% fat free and low calorie as they are sweetened with Natvia (from the stevia plant);

  • No-added sugar
  • Aspartame free
  • Wheat free
  • Egg free
  • Yeast free
  • Gluten free
  • Nut, soy & dairy free

I have used the mixes in baking for a natural flavour boost – hello strawberry cupcakes! plus they are even Dad approved.  Dave knocks back a huge amount of milk and loves the really natural banana-y flavour of the Super Dupa Banana variety.

Honestly, I’m pretty stoked with this range from Vitarium, a commercially available alternative to Milo and Nesquik has been long overdue and even I can tolerate milk with these yummy flavour additions which is great for the state of my bones and my previously meagre calcium intake!


Vitarium product provided for my consideration but the opinions expressed are my own. 

Cook | Meyer Lemon Cookies Recipe

Cook | Meyer Lemon Cookies Recipe

We have an amazing little trooper of a lemon tree that is only two seasons old but has produced a bumper crop this winter.  So, lemon recipes are go!  

This cookie recipe is a winner, quite a different texture; lovely and soft and cakey but the backseat Master-chefs in the house all approve and I’ll be baking these again for sure.

Meyer Lemon Cookies
  1. 1 3/4 c all-purpose flour
  2. 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  3. Zest of one lemon
  4. 115 grams butter, room temperature
  5. 1 c granulated sugar
  6. 2 large eggs, room temperature
  7. Juice of half a lemon
  8. 1/2 c icing sugar (for rolling)
  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.
  2. Line pan with baking paper.
  3. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together dry ingredients (flour and baking powder). Add zest and whisk it in.
  4. In a large mixing bowl of a stand mixer, cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
  5. Add eggs, one at a time and mix well.
  6. Add lemon juice. Mix again.
  7. With mixer on low speed, mix in dry only until just combined.
  8. Roll the dough into balls and roll in icing sugar.
  9. Place on baking sheet, leaving 2 inches of space between them.
  10. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes, or until puffed and bottoms just golden brown.
  11. Cool on sheet for 2 minutes, then transfer onto a cooling rack.
Adapted from The Cooking Channel
Eat | Pitango Solos

Eat | Pitango Solos

I was so happy to spend Wednesday morning as a guest of Pitango and learn about their new Solos range; fast, tasty, home-cooked style meals for one.

Monday nights in our house are particularly crazy, Ethan has rugby practice then has to be flanneled off at the field and bustled into his scouts uniform only to arrive home pretty exhausted at 8pm.  I like to keep an ‘easy meal’ in the freezer for these nights, something simple and unfussy that he can gobble back quickly and head to bed.  The Pitango Solos are perfect for nights like these plus they are organic, free range and affordable (RRP $3.99).  Fast food has never tasted so good or been so guilt free.  I’m in love with this range for real, the Free Range Chicken and Mushroom Risotto is amazing, you would never, ever be able to tell that it wasn’t cooked in your own kitchen, it’s seasoned perfectly and is thick, creamy and authentic – real comfort food for sure.

The Pitango Solos range will be available June 3rd in selected stores.


That hot babe in the middle is of course the lovely Vanessa from The Bubbalino Kitchen, and no, the photo on the right is not skewed, that is just how slim and tall Chelsea Winter really is!

Solo Thai Pumpkin Soup



Online Grocery Shopping:  The Hidden Peril

Online Grocery Shopping: The Hidden Peril

So the clever little marketers at Countdown timed their $1 delivery promotion just perfectly, reeling the mummy’s in with a little self-indulgence before before their annual day of appreciation and bacon for breakfast.  “No grocery shopping for me!” I fist pumped as I settled in front of the Mac with my microwave eggs to click my groceries into my virtual trolley.  It was fun and it got even more funner {dont even go there grammar nazis mmmkay?} at 5.30pm when the fucking dogs went mental at the delivery man’s knock on the door.

My groceries had arrived.

IT WAS SENSATIONAL.  It was like Christmas with way too many shopping bags with too few things in each, as I rediscovered all the items I had ordered this morning.  Everything was there, even some random items still in my online cart from 3 years ago when I was thinking of ordering online but chickened out at the luxury of it (shoulder bacon wtf?).  So yeah we have an bacon buffet going on over here right now, bring your butties and lets fry up, you guys have the shoulder bacon, I got the streaky.

Also, there was free stuff.  A whole loaf of Freya’s bread, a Lemon Lime and Bitters, two packs of soup and two different samples of beauty products.  I freaking LOVE free stuff!

But, as with any happy tale, there is always a twist, and trust me , I never saw this one coming and it requires all caps.  SOMEONE (PROBABLY A MAN) HAS INVENTED 500ml BOTTLES OF WINE AND YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE SMALLER BECAUSE THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME ON YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN!

I know.  This is bad news.  Shopping for wine online now requires you to read the description rather then sort by price (Low to High) and select the second cheapest.  Fark.


Yes, yes those are heart patterned fleecy bed socks.  My husband’s in India and the only people here to talk to are a crazy 10 month old and a 9 year old who is equally mental and walks around rapping about gigannaires.  It’s a slippery slope people.

Be safe on the internet.

Christmas Treats | Shortbread Stacks & Cupcake Icing

Christmas Treats | Shortbread Stacks & Cupcake Icing

Shortbread is such a holiday favourite isn’t it?  I love it and always whip up a couple of batches each year to gift to our neighbours and friends.  Instead of using my old faithful Christmas cookie cutters I used my round set this year and simply stacked the biscuits up and tied them with bakers string.  There is nothing spectacular about the recipe, it’s just the Edmonds go-to, but I quite fancy this presentation for a change.


These little stacks went off to work with Dave to give to some colleagues and friends and as soon as the baby sleeps for more than half an hour I’ll get another batch on!  How can he not be as tired as me??????

Mum had a pot-luck to attend last week and as I had a stash of un-iced cupcakes in the freezer I Christmas-ed them up with some buttercream, candy canes and little silver cachous.  Crushed candy cane pretty much sucks to work with, it gets really sticky if you handle it.  The best thing to do is crush it in a zip lock bag and sprinkle it on straight from the bag, avoiding using your fingers.




Christmas Treats | Chocolate Peppermint Pretzel Bark Recipe

Christmas Treats | Chocolate Peppermint Pretzel Bark Recipe


Hell yes I’m jumping on the Christmas Bark bandwagon – this stuff tastes SO good, is so easy, cheap and looks fab.  If you can’t bake to save your life or simply don’t want to turn the oven on in these scorching temperatures {are we loving it or hating it?} this recipe is for you!

It’s Ethan’s final day of the school year tomorrow so I sent him off with this plate of yumminess for his teacher.  Keep an eye out for cute plates in the post-Christmas sales, Mum picked this one up last year for about $4!

You will need:

1 bag of bow pretzels {this would make multiple batches}

1 400gm bag of white chocolate buttons

approx 200gm milk or dark chocolate

3 crushed candy canes

  • Place a single layer of pretzels on a baking tray lined with baking paper {this mix will probably only make half a tray}
  • Melt white chocolate in the microwave, stirring frequently until it is really pourable
  • Pour over the pretzels, you should be able to gently spread with a spoon or knife if needed
  • Place flat in freezer for approx 5 minutes
  • Crush candy canes by placing them in a zip lock back and smashing them with a rolling pin
  • Melt milk or dark chocolate in microwave, stirring frequently until it is really pourable
  • spread over the top of the now set white chocolate
  • Sprinkle crushed candy cane on top
  • Freeze for another 5 minutes
  • Break into pieces and serve
Pinterest, Nailed it! | Hasselback Potatoes Recipe

Pinterest, Nailed it! | Hasselback Potatoes Recipe


A couple of weeks ago one side of our family held our Christmas Dinner early so as many of us as possible could get together.  I loved this evening, it felt so relaxed and without the crazy that a bunch of family driving all over the place on Christmas day can sometimes bring.

Of course we all brought something to share, I made a lemon tart which tasted amaze but looked like crap, and I also finally made the great Pinterest stalwart – Hasselback Potatoes.  I had never tried these before but the heady combo of potatoes, bacon, cheese and butter seemed like a failsafe recipe, and it was.

Hasselback Potatoes Recipe

  • As many large roasting potatoes as you require
  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Bacon

Par boil potatoes, lay them in the concave part of a wooden spoon and slice them almost all the way through.  I spaced the slices about a cm apart.  Melt some butter in a mixing bowl.  Dunk each potato into the butter and give them a good tumble with a spoon so all of the slices are buttered up.  Pop the spuds on a baking tray or roasting dish and into the oven at 200°.  When the potatoes start to fan out, add a little cm x cm slice of bacon between each slice.  When they are almost done (45 min to an hour later depending on your oven and the size of the potatoes) sprinkle liberally with grated cheese/parmesan etc.  Serve with sour cream and enjoy!

Cook Eat | Easy Chicken, Spinach & Mushroom Meatballs

Cook Eat | Easy Chicken, Spinach & Mushroom Meatballs

This recipe {my own!} has been on our weekly rotation for a month or so now and we LOVE these!  Dave and I were inspired to make chicken meatballs after eating at our local {Hallertau}, where Dave enjoyed their Chicken & Leek Meatballs.  These are better, I promise.  Chicken mince is a favourite of mine as it requires no chopping, de-skinning, de-boning and it is usually WAY cheaper than chicken breast.  I have trouble finding it at some supermarkets but Pak n Save seems to always have it in the butchery.


Chicken, Spinach & Mushroom Meatballs Recipe

You will need;

500 grams or more of chicken mince

Half an onion or leek

4 good sized mushrooms cut into quarters

Half a red capsicum

Some spinach – I used 4 of the round frozen spinach portions

Some celery

Some garlic to taste

Salt and pepper

Oil for the pan

1 egg


{sorry about the ambiguous measurements, I’m a chuck-things-in-the-blender kinda girl!}.

Rough chop veges, garlic and seasonings in a food processor, combine with chicken mince, egg and breadcrumbs in a medium sized bowl.  Heat oil in your pan and add your meatballs – usually about 1 1/2 tablespoons of mixture for each meatball.  Cook until golden.

Last night I served the meatballs on a salad for a {mostly} carb free dinner but for the boys I made chicken pies using this mixture.  One sheet of flaky puff pastry cut on the diagonal, add a mound of mixture to the middle, top with some cheese and fold into a parcel.  So yummy!

This is such a quick and delicious dinner, and with the added veges 500 grams of chicken mince goes a long way!  It made two pies and 16 meatballs!


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