
Ed Sheeran is a tricksy little hobbit


I have detested Ed Sheeran and his music for the entire length of his short ginger career.  He and his Lego house were the musical equivalent of standing on Lego City.  In bare feet.  In the dark, with no way of knowing which way the clear carpet lay.  Torturous I have found him.

But then came this song, and god damn it if I don’t LOVE it.

If lyrics of burning hobbits and dwarves is your thing, do you love this song as much as me?  It’s so dark.  Ethan’s advent gift yesterday was  a movie night with Dave and I to go and see The Hobbit II.  I was hanging out for the credits so I could listen to this song in loud, beautiful theatre sound.  The movie was frickin ace as well which helped pass the time until the credits rolled.

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  1. Dec 19, 2013 12:13 pm

    This song is gold – I am on the verge of wearing it out from too must repeats… Yay for enjoyable movies!

  2. Dec 19, 2013 8:02 pm

    Yay me too. Although i've loved Ed Sheeran for ever 🙂

  3. Dec 21, 2013 12:42 pm

    That song haunts me. Utterly stalks me and I can't stop thinking about it. The Lord of the Ring books and then the movies did that to me and so did the Hobbit book. They follow you round for days. Can't wait to see the movie but a bit scared I will be blubbering…. a whole lot!

    • Dec 21, 2013 5:22 pm


      Hey Sammy, I think you\’ll be sweet. If there are any tear jerking scenes they must be in part 3!