If Monday could be everyday please.
Every Monday morning without fail, my various social media hangouts are inundated with digital ‘groans’ – another Monday! 5 more days ’til the weekend ::::insert sad emoticon:::: There needs to be a day between Saturday and Sunday the people say.
I say – hooray for Monday! It’s my best, most favourite day of the week. I’m a sucker for routine, so the weekends of full boy immersion, unpredictability + spontaneity get my OCD a little stabby ya know?
Mondays bring the chance to shake off any disappointments of the week before, to hone the to-do lists and set some goals for the week ahead. I struggled over the weekend and couldn’t wait to go to bed and put Sunday {and the entire WEEK} to rest. I felt depression breathing down my neck for three days, finding joy had become difficult and I was surely spreading none of my own joy amongst my lovely little family.
But Monday came and helped blow the cobwebs away.
I thought and I thought about some of the potential triggers that had dragged me down; comparison, financial stress, this blog {!} and procrastinating. All of these things are, thankfully, easily remedied with a little ‘let it go’ and ‘shake it off’ therapy.
So, today is Tuesday and I’m going to rock it like it’s Monday!
Have a great week everyone x
Go You Melissa – well done for recognizing what was going on and taking proactive steps to remedy it! Hope you rocked the socks of TuesMonday! xx