Hold on…… let me clear my desk
Every day I put these guys in a more suitable place to play with them, and every day they return. Like a bad itch.
It’s 8.25 am, everyone has left for the day and the baby is asleep {for now}.
I should be: doing the daily pick-up of the house, returning the lost and orphaned items that Ethan leaves everywhere to their rightful homes, I should be tidying the kitchen and wiping the table and highchair.
I shouldn’t be: eating chocolate at 8.25am. I’ve had my breakfast what??
I should be: removing the badly chipped harlot red nail polish off my fingernails, it makes me look like Courtney Love, well, that and my big blonde bed hair and pajama combo.
I shouldn’t be: playing Jurassic Park Builder…..
The list goes on, but see the thing is, I am SO darn tired. I’m infinitely more tired than I was when we had a newborn only 5 short months ago. I feel like the cumulative lessening of sleeping hours this last half of the year may have finally caught up to me. That, and the marathon that was November, finishing literally with a half marathon on Saturday night and Dave’s departure to Japan and Hong Kong for two weeks on Sunday. But, this happened;
and that is just SO wonderful! I am quite proud of my amazing friends and family for remembering my Dad and being so generous.
So, even though I feel like many of you I’m sure {could actually fall asleep with my head on the keyboard}, life carries on at break-neck speed. Confession time; chocolate {approx 4 king size bars a week} and V is what I’m running on right now. Go on, judge away, but I don’t drink coffee and if I didn’t have that caffeine kick in the mornings there is no telling what state things would be in around here! Blogging has obviously fallen off the priorities list, it’s not lack of motivation or desire to document, it’s more that my daily routine has re-jigged itself and I have forgotten to allocate a slot for The Best Nest. Lovely, creative things have been taking over though, and my mum’s sewing machine has become a permanent fixture on the dining room table and I’m loving having some projects to work on.
Even with Dave away at the moment, life is fab, the kids are amazing, my Mum is super happy and it’s raining!!!! Water in our tank is just icing on the cake.
How are ya’ll doing? I’m going to try and pop in and visit your blogs over the next couple of days, another thing I enjoy so much slipping by the wayside……..soldier on ladies!
Dec 4, 2013 10:13 am
you need coffee STAT. I made your hasselback potatoes but didnt have sour cream..they were still delicious
Dec 5, 2013 9:13 am
What a great catch up 🙂 You have been busy and well done you on that Marathon!! Life is definitely going stupidly fast… cant keep up and cant do everything… gravity keeps pulling at my head and eyelids.. Anyhoo – life is good so cant complain 🙂 Hope you feel a bit more energised soon! x