Being involved in the Milo Play initiative has been awesome for many reasons, {not least encouraging more PLAY time!} but one of my favourite ‘perks’ would have to be getting the opportunity to interview the two Play Experts that have been on board with Milo since the campaign launched in March.
You can watch my video interview with Dr Grant Schofield here, and Part 1 of my interview with Australian academic Dr Paula Barrett is below. It’s quite weird interviewing someone via email! At least I didn’t have to worry if I had something in my teeth {or get out of my pajamas ssshhh!}
- Are there different types of active play that are imperative to the health/wellbeing/development of kids?
All types of active play are fantastic for kids and children. Being active is very beneficial for children instead of just sitting in front of computer because it involves moving, creating, rather than just sitting in front of computer and playing virtual games. However, swimming, playing ball in the park, bike riding with friends and family, catch and seek, running, are optimal as they involve high levels of activity and increase children and family’s fitness level.
- How do these differ in importance by gender or age?
No particular differences, anything your child may be interested in that involves physical activity and nature and outside, please encourage them and join in as a family. Children will tend to do more outside often if their friends, parents, and other relatives join in and turn it into a fun activity for the whole family. It doesn’t matter if it is playing ball games in the ocean, beach volleyball, running through the bush with your family dog, bike riding to work and school as a family, being active outside is always great for your physical and mental health.
- What role do parents/caregivers have in ‘play’? Are we there as active participants/facilitators or do we need to step back and let them ‘have at it’?
It would be optimal if parents and caregivers play alongside with children, as active participants in games. It is up to the children if they don’t want you to be involved, and they will let you know and in that case, your role may be more of an encouraging one. You can also invite friends, your children’s friends, to join you and facilitate the process.
Visit next Thursday for Part 2!
- I am participating in the Milo Play Movement as a Blogger Ambassador and any compensation received is for advice provided directly to the MILO Play Movement team on the social media engagement plan.
- All communications I share regarding the MILO Play Movement are my honest opinion.