So, a weird thing happened to me on the 23rd of December 2014. We arrived in Waipu to spend Christmas with Mum and Geoff and those l o n g, straight country roads began doing odd things to my head. And I’m being very serious here; I couldn’t stop thinking about getting out there and putting my sneakers on, just to see if I could do it. Now I know I can ‘do’ it in terms of running, I’m not totally unfit, but for me running is 99% mental. My body can take it but my head just says “WTF are you doing woman?!?”.
Problem was I had left my sneakers back in Auckland. This minor hiccup was easily overcome by a quick trip into Whangarei to choose between the two pairs of sneakers that Dave deemed favourable to the cause – meaning they were 50% off. They were also hideously ugly and a brand I had never worn before, but as they were totally surplus to current sneaker requirements I had to behave and leave #alltheprettyshoes in the store. Sigh.
Strangely, I had packed a sports bra. I must have had a subconscious inkling that it was time to get cracking as aside from touch rugby once a week, I hadn’t been doing any regular exercise over the past couple of months – and it had begun to show. I lost all of my baby weight {and a bit more} by the middle of the year when Nix had his pull-through operation, times were stressy and it showed as my pants began to fall down around my hips. But since his amazing recovery post-op, Dave and I have been in full ‘happy’ mode, eating and drinking whatever we liked. Hello 5kgs. Goodbye bikini.
On the first day I power walked 4kms and ran 1km, just to test the water. It felt good. I felt good! For the next 3 days I walked 3kms and ran 2km. Since then I have been increasing the running distance by half a km every 4 days or so resulting in three workouts in Waipu this week of a 1.5km walk and 4 km run!
I’m so proud of myself! I have always, always hated running with every fibre of my being, but I love the way it makes me feel; strong, capable and motivated. I have been running in the mornings and it sets me up so well for the day ahead, gives me heaps of energy and seems to have reduced sugar cravings weirdly?!? I have also stopped the 6pm for-no-good-reason cocktail hour and once again kicked the chocolate habit. High fives all round I say!
My Running Gear
I have put together some of my favourite things that are helping me stay on track as I struggle to establish this new routine and hit my 10km target {eep!}
- Santa brought me a Fitbit Flex for Christmas and I lOVE this little gadget. It’s super comfy to wear, syncs via bluetooth with my phone and tracks steps, km’s, calories, active minutes, exercise via GPS, weight, sleep patterns, water intake and caloric intake. RRP $156 NZD, available at all good gadget shops.
- mapmyrun This app rules, it’s great for plotting routes and getting inspo from where others are running.
- This Pandora gold stacker ring is my motivation to lose the 5kgs, proving more difficult than I thought! That’s the prize people, that’s what is keeping the booze fridge firmly shut lol
- I don’t take my Camelbak running, but it’s definitely helping me up my sometimes meagre water intake. I’m supremely fussy about drink bottles, the back wash factor just grosses me out. It’s actually impossible to back wash into a Camelbak, and thus, I’m in love! I purchased one for everyone in the family for Christmas, they even make super cute ones for the little people > shop at Little & Loved for the wee ones, I picked up the full size ones at Rebel Sport when they were on sale for 30% off.
- This pic is terrible but the Active Intent Compression crops from The Warehouse are amaze. The first time I wore them I couldn’t believe how hot they were, despite being so thin and comfy but wow, they make such a difference when you run. Everything feels way more wobbly without them, and none of us like that feeling right? These are $29.95 compared to god knows how much from a sports store. I also purchased a dry fit tank top from there on clearance for $4.98!
- A good sports bra is totally a worthy investment, doubly so if you are still breast feeding
the damned baby.These TriAction bras from Triumph are seriously incredible, zero movement and so comfy. I found these on clearance at Rebel – such a bargain shopper aren’t I? - I’ve only just switched my Spark plan to one that includes Spotify Premium and already I’m totally hooked. You can make your playlist available offline so you’re not burning up data charges while away from wifi, plus I can listen to all of my grungy, indy favourites for free! There is no way I could run without music, I need to be able to crank the volume just a little bit to certain songs to get the old legs home sometimes. Whatever it takes right?
On my wishlist is a pair of wireless headphones so would love some recommendations if you have them.
Jan 16, 2015 7:03 pm
Good on ya Melissa! I may invest in a camelbak I have been putting away 3litres a day and the old pump bottles a bit boring to look at!
I use mapmyrun as well and its amaze! makes me all competitive with myself
Jan 16, 2015 10:23 pm
Whoa that\’s so good on the water front!
Jan 17, 2015 9:05 am
Yahoo! I love pounding the pavement. It's my stress release, I sweat it out, sing out all the angsty lyrics of my teenage self and I come home refreshed and feeling sexy as! 😉 x
Jan 17, 2015 10:08 pm
Sexay and ready to smash back some blueberries aye Soph xx
Jan 18, 2015 7:50 pm
Go you! Not a fan of running I'm afraid but admire those who can and do and love it! go you!