I emerged from the 12 month yoga-pant haze that followed Nixon’s birth with a desire to once again wear more structured, non-stretchy clothes. Clothes of varying fabrics, maybe a skirt or EVEN A DRESS (post-breastfeeding!) Clothes that didn’t have to do double duty as a burp cloth and a handkerchief.
The problem was, at this point I completely lost what little of my own style I once had, and my ‘new’ post-baby wardrobe became a predictable array of Bassike-inspired stripes and monochrome separates. Pair anything and everything with a pair of Nike Roshe and I was out the door!
It’s only in the past month (with Nix now 3!) that I realised how bored I had become with the way I was dressing and vowed to get my groove back. With two international retailers H&M and Zara opening here in Auckland this month I shopped brights, statement pieces, sparkles and funky separates. I purchased clothes that I will love to wear, not necessarily clothes that I loved seeing everyone else on IG wearing.
Because I don’t shop for new clothes each week I do take good care of what I have. There is nothing more upsetting (for me or the boys) than a new shirt being on the receiving end of a greasy-paw, toddler snug fest – as lovely as those are of course! There have been many kid-wardrobe mishaps over the years, but as my laundry experience has broadened (i.e. I’ve gotten older and older lol) I’ve settled on 5 sure-fire ways to reduce stain-angst.
5 Ways I Keep my Mum-Wardrobe looking Great
- Take your clothes off. Literally, if you’re wearing something you love make sure the first thing you do upon re-entry to the kid-zone – i.e. your house – is to take it off, hang it up or put it safely in the laundry.
- Never be unprepared, kid-tastrophes can happen at any time. Make sure your laundry is stocked with Sard Power Stain Remover – super-heroes in either powder or spray form. These two products are totally your new laundry allies.
- Re-discover your iron. Ironing may be de rigueur to some of you but I’ve just emerged from 6 years of zero ironing. A quick 1-2 with the iron can make even a wash-faded tee look fashion forward with the right styling.
- Move fast. Your best defence against a stubborn stain is time, plus it reduces the amount of actual work you will need to put into the stain removal process. Get it treated and/or soaking before too much time has passed and if soaking give it at least 2 hours (preferably overnight) for Sard Power Stain Remover soaker to work its magic.
- Be aware of your fabric choices. Clothes can be washed relatively easily but they can be much more difficult to repair. Delicate fabrics and I just don’t mix so I steer clear of floaty tulles, fine silk, voile, lace and ALL pantyhose as a rule.
Because I actually know nothing about fashion compared to some, I’ve called in the Most Stylish Mum I know to offer some legit advice on how to be fashionable and have kids! Megan Robinson is both the beauty and brains behind NZ Fashion Institution www.threadnz.com and is a mother of two. (click to enlarge)
Is the proof in the pudding? YES, I did actually give the Sard Power Stain Remover duo a test run and…………..Dave and I are totally speechless as to the results. It’s become one of those totally boring parental conversations like “did Nixon poo this morning?” but now we have “I can’t believe Sard got that beetroot stain out!”.
Stains are the badges of honour your family accumulates as you move through your domestic days, months and years and I just smashed strawberry, chocolate, an almighty beetroot stain, tomato sauce and grass stains in one wash cycle.Nix and I ‘carefully’ applied our stains then sprayed each with Sard Power Stain Remover spray and let it sit for an hour. I washed on a normal cycle with other laundry using 1 cap of Sard Power Stain Remover soaker – NOT holding my breath that this white shirt would live to ride another day.
Narrowly avoided heart-attack when shirt appeared 50 minutes later looking as pure as the driven snow.
Pick up your own Sard superheroes in the laundry aisle and don’t be afraid to try this at home!
Win with Sard!
Two winners are going to be ready to take on stains this summer, each receiving a Sard Prize Pack including 3 units of Sard Power Stain Remover soaker and 3 units of Sard Power Stain Remover spray!
To enter just comment below telling me what your toughest laundry battle is.
Competition closes 18th November 2016, NZ residents only. Thanks to Sard for teaming up with me for this post.