
Things I’m Loving


The holidays are over!  Time is barreling on these days, this year is fast disappearing in a series of major life events, all good so far but blink and you can skip a whole month.  I think that is why I like participating in Things I’m loving; it breaks off a week-sized piece of life and allows a little reflection of that every day stuff that so easily gets lost…

Lego Play

I’m loving father and son time.  Dave’s job has gotten progressively more stressful as he takes on more and more responsibility but I think little boys and lego make an exceptional distraction and stress reliever!

Macrame Friendship bracelet

I’m loving learning how to knot these cute bracelets and using unworn rings as the accent!  Once I have found the perfect thread I may make a DIY tutorial to pop up.  These look great in multiples and combined with a big’ol bangle party on your wrist.

Child Art

I adore the end of term when we actually get to see some of the art work E produces in the classroom.  This Ted Harrison replica painting is definitely my favorite piece of Kid Art EVER!

New Zealand, USA flag pillows

Finding these flag pillows at Briscoes cemented the theme of Ethan’s room in my head.  Embracing both sides of his family is so important to both him and Dave and I, I love these little reminders of his mixed heritage and the two countries he can call home {if only I had my wits about me and thought to match his linen with the roman blind fabric!  Decorating blunder # 93}.Manicure

Loving my manicure this week, like anything, the more you practice the better you get.  OPI Bubble Bath and Orly Tiara.

Boys cook Sloppy Joes!

Both Dave and E love to cook, this week they whipped up a southern favorite {so I’m told!}, Sloppy Joes aka Manwiches.  This exotic(?) dish was met with rave reviews!  Love guys that take charge in the kitchen x

PLUS….Loving hosting giveaways!  Don’t forget to enter the Milo Sports Pack Giveaway here and the Peaceful Baby Sleep Book Giveaway here


Things I’m Loving is hosted by Meghan at MNM’s

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.


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  1. Jul 20, 2012 8:29 am

    Father and son times are awesome – I love them too. What is it about boys and their dads? They never seem to tire of each other (that's a good thing I suppose).

    The knots are clever 🙂